Street Venders

Although the phenomenon occurs more frequently on Sundays, weekdays it is also common to see sellers stationary green and pedestrian areas.

Suckling, Cholados, merengones, fried food, juices, soccer team jerseys, sports mutivitamínicos and weight control programs are just some of the products and services offered in this iconic park south of the city.

Weight control programs

The first, is tummy control, that is  a girdle of differents sizes,his cost depend of size and oscillate between $15 USD and $25 USD. The second, is a shirt to transpire that cost around $25 USD and weights with a cost $12.5 USD.

Games for children

Here the children between 4 to 10 years old, can spend a special time with other guys. For they can access to this, the parents have to pay around $3.5 USD. They can choose between inflatable games, jumps and carousel.

Inflatable, carousel and jump

The cholado, popularly known as "cholao" or "scraping" is a typical fruit salad department of Valle del Cauca (Colombia). With a base of ice flakes are added fruits, syrups of different flavors and condensed milk. Among the fruits used are: banana, green apple, kiwi, strawberry, coconut, papaya, pineapple.

It originates Jamundí Township, where usually eaten on hot days. Properties are attributed to enhance the hangover (hangover) after drinking too much alcohol. In Jamundí there Cholado Park where there are more than a score of stalls that sells the traditional drink, in which tourists tend to eat over the weekends. 

It's excellent. Cost around $1 USD and $2.5 USD.


They are very similar to the Mangos, but much larger, elongated and greens. It is pure pulp, silky, creamy, easy to eat. It is usually eaten in long strips of lemon accompanied, condensed milk and canella. It's delicious. Cost around $1.5 USD.


Cob is a highly nutritious food because it contains fiber and consumed roasted with butter and salt. Very appetizing for adults and children in Colombia. Cost around $1.5 USD.

Horseback trip

This is the main atractive for kids, since it has contact with horses. The trip is to travel around the entire park while the child interacts with the animal. Costs about $2.5 USD.

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